With The Not Exactly
Scarlet Pimpernel, I had a design in my head from the beginning. It took me
a while to get it right, but even in its earliest formulation (the one now
roaming the Web as a pirated graphic), the red velvet and the 18th-century
sword figured prominently. Adding, then doubling (to represent either the dual
nature of Ian/Percy or the heroine’s equality with the hero—take your pick),
the scarlet pimpernel; finding the right sword and velvet; then making sure I
wasn’t stealing anyone’s image—all these details took time. But the basic idea
was already in place.
Not so with The Golden
Lynx. The story contains three lynxes, for starters: a spirit animal who
takes the form of an actual lynx, a gold necklace in the form of Scythian
jewelry given to the heroine at a crucial moment by her older brother, and the
heroine herself, who takes refuge from her troubles by becoming a female
Scarlet Pimpernel whom the locals dub the Golden Lynx. I was so excited the day
I discovered that Eurasian lynxes really are golden brown. And when I found the
perfect circle (a Scythian panther) to represent the gold necklace.
My early versions of the cover featured all three: lynx
front and center, girl shadowy in the background, jewelry next to her. Unfortunately,
in my early period of ignorance, I failed to consider the copyright status of my
first set of images. The lynx turned out to be the work of a Czech
photographer. The girl came from a video published on Youtube by the Republic of
Tatarstan. Public domain? No way to tell—I swear I looked, but there was no
information even about the person who uploaded the video. The jewelry belongs
to the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, which does allow people to
download its images, although not for commercial use. And the Hermitage site
does not include that particular image, which now no longer shows up in Google
Images at all.
So in the best case, I would have had to find alternatives. A
bigger problem, though, was the design itself. As my invaluable critique group
pointed out, the actual lynx took over the cover. In the end, the story is
about a girl, not a wildcat. The cover did not make this clear.

Finally, I wised up and ran a search on Shutterstock for
“Tatar bride.” Bingo. Rather surprisingly, even if we exclude the pictures of raw beef and sauce for fish, Shutterstock carries a remarkable number of photographs of actual Tatars.
With the addition of an Ottoman dagger, also from
Shutterstock, and a beautiful Eurasian lynx courtesy of Bernard Landgraf
(reused under a Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike 3.0 Unported license),
I came up with the cover below. Perhaps a bit spare, but everything I tried
adding made the result look cluttered. So in the end I left it as is. The black
background will carry over nicely into the other books in this series, becoming
a unifying theme. And the elements catch the eye even when reduced to thumbnail
size, not an unimportant consideration in this day and age.
And please note, that although the manipulated lynx can be
reused under the same terms (attribution/share-alike) as the original, the
other images in this post were purchased from Shutterstock, so using them
without buying your own license violates that company’s copyright.
For up-to-date publication information on The Golden Lynx, see
For the story of the back cover, see my previous post, “The Art of the Blurb.”
Photographs: Teen Girl on White Background © Vita Khorzhevska/Shutterstock; Middle Eastern Beauty © Galina Barskaya/Shutterstock; Tatar bride © Ilia Chungurov/Shutterstock; Ottoman dagger © Özgür Güvenç/Shutterstock.
Photographs: Teen Girl on White Background © Vita Khorzhevska/Shutterstock; Middle Eastern Beauty © Galina Barskaya/Shutterstock; Tatar bride © Ilia Chungurov/Shutterstock; Ottoman dagger © Özgür Güvenç/Shutterstock.
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